502 Acres | 1259 Home Sites | Town Shopping Center |
20 Acre Sports Park | 3 Public Schools |
16 Acres of Open Space
As project manager, Caren Williams-Murch coordinated multiple buyers' due diligence and successfully completed sales to merchant builders. She increased the project profits by 233% while managing multiple consultants, their schedules and preparing the quarterly business plan and project budget proforma.
The management of this multi use project in the City of Riverside included a Specific Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map approvals, Final Map recordation, environmental permits including a 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement, USACOE 404 Individual Permit and a California Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 certification and infrastructure construction. As project manager, we coordinated multiple buyer’s due diligence and successfully completed sales to merchant builders. Increased the project profits by 233%. Managed multiple consultants and schedules. Prepared the quarterly business plan as well as project budget performa.